Eighteen Things for 2018

Scratch the title of this piece. I scribbled down the list, but when I stepped back and looked at it, it just seemed so flat. While all of the things on the list are good, the list was missing something. It was so generic and flat - like a club soda that sat out for too long. Not only was it missing something, but the list suddenly seemed too cumbersome. Too many things; so many that likely none of them would be accomplished in the next year. That's when I realized I only need One thing for 2018!

Lifescaping Devotional // Planting Trees

Planting Trees A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to work with one of the other Landscape crews on campus. New trees have been going in across campus and the crew assigned to the task was short a few members that afternoon. My supervisor handed me over to the direction of another supervisor... Continue Reading →

Lifescaping Devotional // Dirty Hands

Dirty Hands As a landscaper, a lot of my work involves getting my hands dirty. Pulling weeds, moving mulch, and planting flowers all result in dirty and sometimes calloused hands. When my shift ends, I always look forward to driving back to the shop and standing at the massive stainless steel sink and washing my... Continue Reading →

Grumbling and Humbling

Friday morning I woke up with a sore throat and some mild aches. After unusual circumstances* the previous day which prevented KD and I from going to SPH, I knew that even though I was tired and felt sick I need to go to HIS and then my final class at SPH. I was very... Continue Reading →

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