Lifescaping: the landscape object lessons devotional series


At Landscape Services, where I am currently employed as I finish my Bachelors of Science in Nursing degree at Southern Adventist University, we have corporate prayer twice daily. In the afternoons our head supervisor typically leads out in a short prayer that goes something like this,

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for another day of work on this campus and the beautiful weather. We ask for safety and your protection as we work. And we ask that as we work we will notice the lessons you have prepared for us.

In Jesus name we pray,


It is a simple prayer, and one that I have heard some variation of for years. Only recently though, did it strike me how important that last line is: we ask that as we work we will notice the lessons you have prepared for us. So, one afternoon when I left the shop to head out to my landscaping work, I repeated that line in my heart with sincerity. As I whispered that line to heaven again and again during my work I did start to notice. God started to show me little object lessons through my work that could be applied to my life or could shed light on some area of my life. So, I’ve decided to embark on a short devotional series which will include the little object lessons that have been brought to my attention through my work.


I will be publishing a new installment in the series each Friday evening for the next couple of weeks. The first devotional content will be published Nov. 17, 2017. I hope you’ll join me there!


I’d love to hear your thoughts on this devotional series as a whole! How will you apply these principals in your life? I’d also like to hear your thoughts about my blog content. Would you like to see more devotional series in the future? More blog posts similar to the ones I wrote while in Papua Indonesia? Something completely different?


Part One – Dirty Hands


Part Two – Weeding
Part Three – The Leaf Pile


Part Four – Planting Trees




Part Five – The Child’s Gift

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